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From Babylon to Timbuktu: A History of the Ancient Black Races Including the Black Hebrews
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The Valley of the Dry Bones: The Conditions That Face Black People in America Today
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Play with Fire: Discovering Fierce Faith, Unquenchable Passion, and a Life-Giving God
Bianca Juarez Olthoff
Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting out of the Box
Arbinger Institute
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
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The Emotionally Healthy Church, Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives
Peter Scazzero, Warren Bird
This Will Change Everything: Ideas That Will Shape the Future
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The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses
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I Got My Dream Job and So Can You: 7 Steps to Creating Your Ideal Career After College
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The Tao of Martha: My Year of LIVING; Or, Why I'm Never Getting All That Glitter Off of the Dog
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No One to Trust

No One to Trust - Lynette Eason I read this is one night because the action never stopped. I needed to know the next move every time! Thank God I started this the night I didn't need sleep LoL

Lynette Eason is quickly becoming one of my favorite Christian authors. Not just because she has God in her books, but because she doesn't make them romance novels. This is a true grit action thriller sans the big screen.

Summer becomes your underdog vote in this story as Kyle David (whoever he is) tries to save their lives. On the run from a mafia boss with a "husband" who has become an instant stranger might make some people bitter. Summer on the other hand shines through with Godly love. Even if she needs to give a verbal slap of correction here & there. If this had been me......let's just say there would have been a few extra dead bodies.

I gave 4 stars for no in-depth glimpse into this past life that started a life harrowing escapade.