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Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting out of the Box
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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
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The Whitney Chronicles

The Whitney Chronicles - Judy Baer The Whitney Chronicles is Sophie Kinsella Shopaholic funny with great Godly living. I laughed so much throughout this book. I do believe Whitney and I are soul sisters. She definitely uttered some prayers I've said before. I think all is single gals have uttered something similar to " Is there a fabulous, Christian man out there for me Lord? And when you send him, will You put a big label on him, please, so I don't miss him?"

I also adored Mitzi! She gave me a line I will be using in real life "I'm indifferent to boring emotions" Mitzi is the epitome of tough love and I'm not sure who suffers more, her or Whitney!

There aren't vague references to God or a plot line that makes you doubtful it's actually a Christian novel. This is a real story with a main character actively living for God. It could be any single woman's real journal/diary.

Whitney feels like one of your best girlfriends by the end. Can't wait for more Whitney Chronicles. If you like funny & love Jesus, this is your book!