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Currently reading

From Babylon to Timbuktu: A History of the Ancient Black Races Including the Black Hebrews
El Hagahn, Rudolph R. Windsor
The Valley of the Dry Bones: The Conditions That Face Black People in America Today
Rudolphf R. Windsor
Play with Fire: Discovering Fierce Faith, Unquenchable Passion, and a Life-Giving God
Bianca Juarez Olthoff
Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting out of the Box
Arbinger Institute
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
Stephen R. Covey
The Emotionally Healthy Church, Expanded Edition: A Strategy for Discipleship That Actually Changes Lives
Peter Scazzero, Warren Bird
This Will Change Everything: Ideas That Will Shape the Future
John Brockman
The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses
Eric Ries
I Got My Dream Job and So Can You: 7 Steps to Creating Your Ideal Career After College
Pete Leibman
The Tao of Martha: My Year of LIVING; Or, Why I'm Never Getting All That Glitter Off of the Dog
Jen Lancaster

On the Shoulders of Giants

On the Shoulders of Giants - Rhondalynn Korolak This is not a self-help book. So if that’s what you’re looking for put this book down. On the Shoulders of Giants is a self-evaluation book. Rhondalynn gives you a finger to point at your mirror. Showing you that change comes from within & the only way to do that is to fix YOU! I tell everyone about this book because it helps me every day. She isn’t telling you what to do or how to do it she is saying do something! Her book is like the map at the mall YOU ARE HERE; now all you have to do is find out where you want to go from there. She brings new ideas, old ideas with new twists & eye open perspective to searching for your inner G.I. Joe(warrior). So you have to be willing to do battle within yourself if you’re going to read this book!